Sunday, April 24, 2005

Man's best friend

A Dog 'was' a man's best friend, now I think it is his laptop. Actually, I think I have it confirmed.

I (along with archana) was at pavani's place along with sudheer for dinner.

we had some good food and were getting ready for dessert when pavani pointed out to that silver-colored contraption where her husband, she complained, spent most of his time !!

I looked at Archana and I think she was not looking at me but I could not avoid noticing the smile in her eyes !

At 4 the next morning (which is now), I questioned myself and arrived at this happy thought as I crapped in the toilet to hedonistic pleasures.

What qualifies a laptop to be the next dog ? Is it more than a sub-conscious urge to interact? to get things done?

I guess what this machine and animal have in common is that they are both 'faithful servants' !

As we start communicating through machines more than ever, I guess we have started to accept the fact that we would have to communicate with them before getting any further ..

If a decade of communicating with machines could erase differences between a machine and an animal, would a couple of more erase the difference between machine and a man ?


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